Frequently asked questions about root canals

Have you been told by your dentist that you require root canal treatment? In this month’s blog we aim to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about root canal treatment. What is root canal treatment? Root canal treatment is required when the pulp of a tooth becomes inflamed or infected. If left untreated, […]

My experience of Root Canal Treatment

Following my root canal treatment last month, I wanted to blog my thoughts on it and hopefully  help to reassure those people with reservations about root canal treatment that it is definitely worth giving it a go. I first attended my regular dentist with some pain when biting down. They took x-rays and explained that […]

The dos and don’ts of good oral hygiene

We all know the basics of good oral hygiene dictate that you should brush your teeth twice a day and attend for regular dental appointments. In this blog the team at KentEndo will go beyond these basics of dental care to ensure that you keep your teeth healthy following root canal treatment. Do: Go beyond […]

5 common myths about root canal treatment

There is plenty of information available about root canal treatment but finding correct information can prove more of a challenge. From outdated facts to unproven theories, we look to dispel five rumours and myths that surround root canal treatment. Root canal treatment is painful. It is 2024! Modern technologies and medicines mean that now having […]

The Causes of Root Resorption and its Endodontic Remedies

Despite how it sounds, root resorption is quite a common condition among those who’ve had some oral injury or infection. This condition, however, cannot be avoided, as it can harm your oral health and cause further problems with your teeth and gums. The KentEndo dentists’ can treat root resorption and because of how common this […]

Mouth Cancer Action Month

Our mouth helps us to breathe, talk, eat and swallow. We rely on it for so many different things, but sadly each year over 8,800 people are diagnosed with some form of mouth cancer. Although mouth cancer can affect anyone, there are several key lifestyle factors that can increase your likelihood of developing the disease. […]

Dental Pulp

Are you wondering what a pulpotomy is? Perhaps you came across the term when searching your particular symptoms, or you saw it in literature at your dentist’s surgery. However, you came across the term, KentEndo is here with the answers to your questions. What is Tooth Pulp? Underneath their hard exterior, teeth have several softer […]

Risks of root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is an extremely common and predictable procedure. When performed by a highly qualified and experienced dentist, success rates for this procedure are extremely high. Root canal treatment is used to remove inflamed or infected pulp from a tooth, restoring a tooth’s function and saving the tooth. But, as with any medical or […]

Teeth Whitening

If you are suffering with a toothache, there is nothing you want more than a quick solution to the problem.  Extraction may seem to be the easy solution, but there are times when root canal treatment is the better option. In this blog we will take a closer look at when you should choose root […]

What is a dentist that specialises in Endodontic Treatment?

Over the years dentistry has become more complex and the variety of treatments available has increased dramatically. The consequence of this is that it is becoming increasingly more difficult for dentists to keep all levels of dental knowledge up to date. This is why there has been a marked increase in the number of dentists […]